CRAFTSMAN 6.5 Peak HP 16 Gal Heavy-Duty Wet/Dry Vac With Attachments

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Keeping your car clean is important for not only maintaining its appearance but also for preventing damage and maintaining its value. However, traditional car vacuums may not always be enough to get the job done. That's where a wet/dry vac comes in handy, and the Craftsman Heavy-Duty Wet/Dry Vac (CMXEVBE17595) is an excellent choice for vehicle cleaning.

What is good about Craftsman Heavy-Duty Wet/Dry Vac:


Whether you're a car enthusiast or simply want to keep your vehicle looking and smelling like new, the Craftsman Heavy-Duty Wet/Dry Vac (CMXEVBE17595) is a great investment.  This has been my preferred vacuum for the last 2 years.  It is a great value.